According to, “Amelia’s Bistro, a Jersey City, New Jersey restaurant specializing in new American cuisine, is sending a lot of dinner orders out the door these days, as patrons enjoy everything from sautéed chicken sauvignon to chickpea-crusted Atlantic salmon in the comfort of their homes.”

“We’re pretty strong on delivery,” says owner Frank Mandaro, who has been increasingly marketing the service to residential customers in the densely populated neighborhood near Manhattan to help offset a slowdown in lunchtime corporate dining. “It is a large portion of our business.” Restaurant delivery, once the purview of pizza chains and other fast-food joints, is becoming an important prop for full-service dining establishments looking to bolster revenue. These days, consumers are thinking twice before they hire a sitter, fill up the gas tank and head out for a sit-down meal where they are expected to leave a healthy tip,” the story said.

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