According to a press release, Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese announces two new additions to their award-winning collection of Farmstead Classics Fresh Mozzarella cheeses:
·        Marinated Fresh Mozzarella – a custom blend of olive oil, canola oil and spices adds just the right zest to the creamy, smooth-textured Fresh Mozzarella, to enhance a wide array of popular dishes that customers crave — sandwiches, pasta, appetizers, omelets, salads and more.
·        Fresh Mozzarella Medallions – this pre-sliced Fresh Mozzarella offers the ultimate in convenience, and the medallion size is ideal for quick and easy use in many dishes – from classic Caprese salad to sandwiches, crostini and pizza. Another plus: the consistent size helps control food costs.
Because the Marinated Fresh Mozzarella and the pre-sliced Fresh Mozzarella Medallions come with the flavor and the labor already ‘built in,’ they provide valuable savings in time and workspace in busy foodservice and deli kitchens, and they facilitate timely service when the pressure is on or when the kitchen is short-staffed.
These additions to the array of Crave Brothers Farmstead Classics Fresh Mozzarella shapes and sizes are a natural fit with current food trends, such the popularity of fresh-tasting, simple yet flavorful dishes.
Fresh Mozzarella is amazingly versatile: it can be served at any day-part, and in a wide array of dishes — appetizers, salads, side dishes and entrees. And Fresh Mozzarella can be served ‘as is,’ or used as an ingredient in cooked and baked dishes.
At Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese, fresh, pure milk comes directly from their own herd of Holstein cows, which are fed nutritious alfalfa and corn grown in a sustainable manner on the family farm. The milk is piped directly from the dairy to the cheese factory within hours of milking to create a delicate milky fresh mozzarella cheese. Using a combination of Old World cheesemaking techniques and small-batch production, the Craves transform their milk into award-winning Fresh Mozzarella.