Town Hall Meeting in West Valley Provides Robbery Prevention Tips and Tactics
Reseda, Calif. – The California Restaurant Association (CRA), along with Los Angeles City Council Member Dennis Zine and the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), held a town hall meeting Monday to provide tips and tactics to prevent further robberies that have plagued the San Fernando Valley area for more than two years.
“The CRA’s mission is to protect and promote the restaurant industry,” said Jeff King, Chairman of both the CRA Board of Directors and King’s Seafood Company. “Town hall meetings like this help us learn what we can do to help protect ourselves, our businesses, our employees and our guests, and show the continued commitment of the LAPD and L.A. City Council to resolving this problem.”
More than 30 area restaurateurs attended the meeting to hear detectives from the LAPD explain the latest on the robbery investigations and to learn prevention strategies.
“We want to keep Valley businesses safe and our economy vibrant,” said Los Angeles City Council Member Dennis Zine. “Each Valley restaurant is vitally important to our community.”
Assembly Member Lloyd Levine (D-Van Nuys) attended to hear local concerns and to express his commitment to public safety.
“I want to ensure that consumer confidence in this area is restored,” Assembly Member Levine said. “Thank you to all of the restaurateurs taking time out of their busy schedules and working to protect Valley businesses.”
The following are preventative measures the LAPD recommends business owners and operators take immediately:
· Develop and implement opening and closing security procedures to make your business less vulnerable to robberies.
· Have a robbery silent alarm system installed. Switches should be at more than one location. Employees should be familiar with the use of alarm equipment.
· Placement of a digital surveillance camera behind the cash register to ensure capturing the suspect’s photograph.
· Install cameras and additional lighting in parking lots to aid in identifying a suspect vehicle.
· Stay alert as to who is in your business. Be aware of your surroundings at closing time.
· Record and report any suspicious activity to the police. Write down suspicious vehicle license plates.
· If you become a victim, do not resist. Cooperate and comply with the suspect’s demands. Be a good witness. It is important to recall suspect’s age, race, height, weight and weapon description.
· If you are robbed, call 911 immediately. Lock doors to the location and write down everything you can remember about the crime. Await officers’ arrival and protect any items or areas touched by the suspect.
· Don’t chase or follow the suspect out of your business. Leave the job of apprehending to the police.