In response to the coronavirus pandemic, Atlas Brick Oven Pizzeria, located in Corning, New York, is celebrating local frontline heroes with a daily drawing for free food in the form of $50 gift cards.

Atlas announced on April 16 that it would donate a $50 gift card every day for the next 30 days. Customers are encouraged to send in the names of people who deserve the free food. The winner is selected randomly each day and announced on Facebook.

The promotion earned coverage for Atlas Brick Oven Pizzeria by WENY. The TV station reported that the promotion started when several customers purchased gift cards and designated them to be donated to essential workers in the community. Owner Peter Bennett then decided to take it further.

“The team here at Atlas loved seeing everyone come together in such an awesome way to support people in our community,” an April 16 post on Atlas’ Facebook page read. “Atlas Pizza has decided to donate a $50 gift card every day for the next 30 days.”

Pizza News