Teupansenti, Honduras. February 2009. Many NAFEM, FEDA and MAFSI Members and other allied industry organizations are working together with the Children’s Rescue Mission (CRM) to support the development of a Community Kitchen Project in rural southeastern Honduras.
The purpose of the Community Kitchen Project is three-fold: first to feed hungry and malnourished children. Second, to create a commercial bakery business that will help to support the mission and generate jobs, and finally to develop a Culinary Training Program to complement the computer, language and other vocational courses that provide job skills for young people. CRM is currently feeding 800 meals a week by cooking over open campfire.
In Teupansenti, over 80% of the people live in extreme poverty and almost half of the population is under the age of 15. Many suffer from malnutrition. Most families live in one or two room windowless adobe homes with dirt floors. Potable water sources are an issue, causing most families to use the same water for washing and cleaning. Sanitation and health care are serious issues.
CRM is an inter-denominational, faith-based organization providing humanitarian relief, education and a message of empowerment to the people of the Teupansenti Region. CRM is a qualified 503(c) (3) non-profit, charitable organization and all gifts are tax deductible. Please join with us as we work toward the long term objective of sustainable self-reliance for the people of Teupansenti.
For more information, contact the Children’s Rescue Mission or David Warneke at 203-952-5657, d.warneke@worldnet.att.net.