(Cape Cod, Massachusetts) – It’s a product that can turn a good beverage into a great one. Using a trade secret technology, the Catania Wine Enhancer creates a harmonically balanced resonate frequency that balances a wine’s tannins and boosts the flavor and aroma. Additionally, the Wine Enhancer has been known to reduce or eliminate headaches among wine drinkers, based on many users’ testimonials.
The Catania Wine Enhancer:
· Creates a smoother and brighter flavor with a longer finish.
· Releases fruit in both the bouquet and the taste.Â
· Lessens burn, astringency, and chalky feeling on tongue.
· Makes young wines ready to drink in minutes rather than years of aging.
· Rejuvenates opened wine to freshly opened flavor.
· Smoothes the burn in all liquors & spirits. Â
Wine Enhancer developer and company President Robert Catania is a classically trained Culinary Institute of America Graduate and co-owner/operator of his family owned businesses of upscale restaurants, hotels and spas. He originally started designing the product to enhance the taste of waters. “Then I tried it on wine thinking this positive energy might help make the wine less troublesome to my body, and it worked like charm,” says Catania.
Preventing Wine Headaches:
It is estimated that nearly one-third of the population suffers from serious headaches when drinking red wine. Because the Wine Enhancer softens wine tannins, many users have noticed a marked reduction in red wine headaches since beginning to use the product. Other beverages such as beer, cognac, scotch, tequila and even coffee are smoothed out when placed on the Wine Enhancer as well.
The Wine Enhancer product line uses an entirely different technology than anything else on the market. Other products use magnets or a metal alloy that are actually dipped into the wine causing a metallic taste. Magnets tend to flatten out fruit and are much less effective at balancing tannins and astringencies.
The Wine Enhancer technology has a much broader spectrum of benefits than simple magnets, which tend to over soften the fruit flavor of the wine and throw the balance off. Furthermore, the magnets have no effect on reducing red wine headaches.
How Does The Wine Enhancer Work?
Simply place a bottle of wine or stem-less glass of wine on the Wine Enhancer for up to 10 minutes. The Catania Wine Enhancer combines specific metals, real semi-precious gems, minerals and crystals known for their specific vibrational frequencies in a proprietary design that creates a highly positive softening of the wine and boost in flavor. The Wine Enhancer works much like a tuning fork, vibrating constantly at the designed frequency. It can reproduce and amplify that same frequency like a musical chord. Any beverage placed on the Wine Enhancer will begin to resonate within minutes. There is no electricity or battery involved.
The Wine Enhancers range in price from $45 – $150.
For more information or to purchase the Wine Enhancer go to: www.WineEnhancer.net or call (888) 428-1127