“A 4-year-old boy left behind at a pizza parlor was reunited with his parents after Fresno County, California, sheriff’s deputies searched the Internet and phone directories to find his family, reported the Fresno Bee. Sheriff’s spokesman Chris Curtice said the parents of the child, one of nine in the family, inadvertently left the boy at the pizza parlor about 6:30 p.m. Thursday. Restaurant staff soon noticed the child sitting by himself. The Sheriff’s Office was called and deputies arrived about 7 p.m.”
“Deputies got a possible name of the father from a credit card receipt. Using phone books and the Internet, they tracked down a relative who had the father’s cell phone number.A deputy called and contacted the father, who was driving in Tulare County with the rest of the family. The deputy asked the father if he was missing any children. The deputy then heard screaming on the other end of the line, Curtice said. The father immediately turned around and headed back to the pizza parlor. The boy, was was entertained by deputies who gave him a teddy bear and let him play with the lights on a patrol truck, was back with his family about two hours later.”
Read more here: http://www.fresnobee.com/2012/03/20/2768155/big-family-leaves-behind-4-year.html#storylink=cpy