“The owners of Beavercreek Pizza Dive (formerly Roc-a-Fellas Pizza) are expanding to add a second location near the University of Dayton,” according to the Dayton Daily News. Owners J.R. and Teresa Geraci have purchased a property at 200 Shroyer Road at Wilmington Pike — within spitting distance of shops belonging to two of the largest pizza chains in the U.S. — and are planning to open Belmont Pizza Dive sometime this fall after renovations are complete. Teresa Geraci said she and her husband — whose Beavercreek shop specializes in New York-style pizzas — look forward to the competition with the nearby Domino’s and Papa John’s shops.
“Competition is good for everybody, and we think this will be a good location for us,” Geraci said, citing its proximity to Oakwood, Belmont and UD and the amount of vehicle traffic through the Shroyer-Wilmington intersection. “Domino’s and Papa John’s are pretty smart, and they’ve probably done a lot more market research about that location than we could ever afford to do. Besides, people eat at more than one pizza place.”