According to a news report from, “Bar Owners Charged with Switching Labels on Beer Kegs, Taps  — GREENSBORO, N.C. (WGHP) — The owners of several local bars and stores were charged last week with switching the labels on beer kegs in order to sell them as more expensive brands.”
“ALE agents investigated the University General Store on Mendenhall St., Spring Garden Bar and Pizzeria on Spring Garden St. and Westerwood Tavern on Guilford Ave. after complaints were made that employees were switching labels on beer kegs. David Essa, 34, and Robert Martin, 35, both of Greensboro, own and operate all three businesses,” said the story. “In April, ALE agents covertly ordered a keg of beer labeled as Bud Light from the University General Store. They also obtained samples of the Bud Light on tap at Spring Garden Bar and Pizzeria. Analysis of both samples indicated the beer was Busch Light in both cases.”