Left:Stephen Millar (PMQ Australia) with Toto’s Sami Malzoum.
Carlton (Melbourne) June 19, 2007 – Today, Toto’s Pizza is being inducted into the International Pizza Hall of Fame in a ceremony taking place on Lygon Street in Melbourne’s Italian district. Australia’s oldest pizzeria is the second pizza store in as many years to be enshrined at www.PizzaHallOfFame.org  Â
Previous inductee, Lombardi’s Pizza of New York City joins Toto’s Pizzeria as being one of the two oldest and original vendors of the pizza in their respective countries. Interestingly, since Toto’s first opened in 1961, Victoria has become the leading state in the per capita consumption of pizza domestically. The Pizza Industry owes a debt of gratitude to Toto’s Pizza and today we all recognize and honor founder Frank Fera and today’s flame keeper Sami Malzoum.
Read the entire story as it will appear in the next PMQ Australia Pizza Magazine by clicking this link:  http://www.pizzahalloffame.org/totos.htm  Additional picture link: http://www.pizzahalloffame.org/totos_photos.htm
For additional information contact Steve Green sg@pmq.com (USA 662-234-5481