According to a news report from, “This past week, the Saint Cecilia Church celebrated its seventy-fourth year of its Iselin Fair. The fair was held from July 9 through July 14 at the Saint Cecilia Church in the Iselin section of Woodbridge.”
“The fair was originally started as a parish carnival that supported the church itself, though the money now goes to support the parish school. It featured rides and games along with traditional fair cuisine. The fair claims fame for its food, one of the most popular being the infamous, Saint Cecilia style pizza that boasts a secret pizza sauce with handmade, lightly fried pizza dough, and a layer of Parmesan cheese,” said the story. “According to Mary Jane Kress, a pastoral associate at the parish, the pizza has been a staple at the fair for at least 40 years, with some of the original pizza “stretchers,” those who give the dough its shape, still working at the Pizza Corner.”