"The signs have been changed. The invectives have softened. The products remain, well, unlikely to win any culinary awards," according to the New York Times.
"But after several months and increasingly long lines, the proprietors of two pizza parlors on Avenue of the Americas have agreed to end a price war that saw the cost of their slices plummet to 75 cents each.
All it took, it seems, was a brush with mutually assured destruction and one meeting of questionable legality.
“We make a compromise,” said Pravin Patel, who oversees Bombay Fast Food/6 Ave. Pizza, which sits a few feet south of 2 Bros. Pizza between West 37th Street and West 38th Street. “Both guys agreed. Both guys were losing money.”
And so slices returned to $1 about two weeks ago. Two slices and a soda now cost $2.75."